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10 Helpful Ways to Survive a Long-Haul Flight

Passengers sitting on an airplane ready for depature

Travel is gradually picking back up, and you’re ready to book a trip; Only problem is the flight is long, and you’re wondering how to survive a long-haul flight. Don’t worry, I’ve put together flight tips and tricks to help you prepare for a long flight. The best part? You can utilize these flight traveling tips regardless if your trip is short, long, or overseas. I’ve mentioned some of these hacks on my social media, but I wanted to dedicate a post with even more information. Read on to learn how to survive a long flight.

Disclosure: This blog post has affiliate links which means if you click and make a purchase I may earn a small commission at NO additional cost to you. These are my own personal suggestions based on products/experiences I love and use. Read the full disclosure here.

Covid-19 Disclaimer: The recommendation for the items listed are based on my own suggestions and in no way endorses or condemns travel at this time. There is a current U.S. Travel Advisory and in some cases U.S. Travel Restrictions. Use your best judgment if you choose to travel (or you can simply hold off for now and save this guide for later). If you decide to take a trip, follow national and state guidelines, and of course the CDC when traveling.

Essentials for a Long-Haul Flight

1) Wear Compression Socks

Compression socks are essential for a long flight as it helps with circulation and increases comfort. Compression socks are affordable and can be purchased at most places; here’s the brand I use.

2) Wear Comfortable Clothing

While traveling you want to be comfortable especially if you’re on a long flight. This is why I suggest wearing an outfit specifically for a long flight. I like to wear leggings, yoga pants, or a sweat suit because it’s almost always cold on the plane and in the airport, but you can always wear a scarf, sweater, or jacket with breathable material (e.g.; cotton etc.). 

3) Bring a Water Bottle/Drink Water

I cannot stress this one enough, if you’re on a long flight you WILL more than likely get dehydrated if you do not drink water. You can always purchase bottled water after checking in, or bring your own water bottle which I’ve mentioned before in this blog post and refill it at the water stations in the airport.

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    Tips for Long-Haul Flights

    4) Get Up and Walk

    This is a very important tip for a long flight, you NEED to walk in order to stretch your legs. It doesn’t matter if you have a window seat, or a middle seat, the person in the aisle seat will just have to understand. Walking helps to keep blood flowing and prevents blood clots. When I traveled to Thailand it was a 20+ hour flight; sitting for that amount of time is impossible and dangerous. PLUS mostly everyone gets up at some point during a long flight so don’t feel bad.

    Phuket, Thailand

    5) Bring a Good Book to Read/Catch Up on Work/Bring Entertainment

    Bringing a good book to read and catching up on work is one of the best things to do on a long flight. Many major airlines have a USB outlet you can plug your device into so why not use this extra time to be productive? And if you’re like me, I have plenty of books downloaded that I haven’t even started yet (even worse started but did not finish lol), so I use this time wisely. A good book to read that I finished a while back can be found here. If books and work aren’t your thing, you can always download music (Spotify anyone?), or your favorite movies and TV shows (Netflix, Hulu etc.). 

    Long-Haul Flight Tips Continued

    6) Carry Snacks

    Airlines have cut down substantially on snacks and meal services offered since Covid-19, so it is imperative that you carry something to snack on. Check out some of the snacks I make and carry with me here. If you’re unable to purchase snacks beforehand, airports often have some of the best goodies. An example of this was during my layover to Thailand in Guangzhou Airport pictured below. Some ideas for the best snacks for long flights are granola, boiled eggs, peanut butter, dried fruit, salad, pretzels, etc. Feel free to carry whatever you like as long as it falls within TSA guidelines.

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      7) Moisturize Your Skin

      Although I moisturize before the trip, it’s actually very important to moisturize during the trip while headed to your destination. I recommend using a good lip balm, hand lotion, and serum to keep you looking fresh faced and not dry faced (corny I know lol).

      Long-Haul Flight Must Haves

      8) Noise Canceling Earphones, Ear Plugs, Eye Mask, and Neck Pillow

      While traveling it’s important to maintain your comfort and sanity so for me these are long flight must haves. Planes can be noisy and if you’re trying to get some shut eye or just want to relax then these items are for you. Here are some suggestions on earphones, eye masks, ear plugs, and neck pillows I recommend. 

      9) Bring a Toothbrush

      You’re going to be traveling for a long time in the air while wearing a  mask. Do you really want to have dragon breath? I didn’t think so. By carrying a toothbrush you can maintain fresh breath for yourself and people sitting next to you. Here’s a toothbrush and toothpaste that’s easy to carry with you.

      10) Bring a Change of Clothing

      This is a great tip even for short flights. You never know what can happen while traveling, so it’s always a good idea to carry a change of clothing in your carry-on luggage (i.e.; socks, shirts, pants, underwear, etc.) in case your luggage is lost. Years ago when I first started traveling, my sister’s luggage went missing. The airline eventually found it, but she had to purchase new clothing until it arrived. From that point forward both her and I keep an extra set of clothes during the trip.  

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        Final Thoughts

        That concludes my long haul flight survival guide! As always, thank you for reading. Did you learn anything new or have any feedback? Any tips you utilize that I missed? Let me know, please comment below and don’t forget to subscribe here.

        Find me here: I’m on most social media, so let’s be friends! Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Need suggestions on how to travel safely? More info here. Want to know some of my must have travel items? Read more here. Having wanderlust, or traveling out of the country? Check out my detailed travel itineraries to Aruba, Belgium, London, Paris, and Amsterdam. Need resources related to blogging? Check out my tips on email marketing here and how to protect your blog here.

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        Blog Disclaimer

        The recommendations for snacks, compression socks, and additional products are my own personal suggestions on what works for me, and does not serve as medical or professional advice. Please consult with a medical professional. 

        Disclosure: This blog post has affiliate links which means if you click and make a purchase I may earn a small commission at NO additional cost to you. These are my own personal suggestions based on products/experiences I love and use. Read the full disclosure here.

        Covid-19 Disclaimer: The recommendation for the items listed are based on my own suggestions and in no way endorses or condemns travel at this time. There is a current U.S. Travel Advisory and in some cases U.S. Travel Restrictions. Use your best judgment if you choose to travel (or you can simply hold off for now and save this guide for later). If you decide to take a trip, follow national and state guidelines, and of course the CDC when traveling.

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