15 Must Have Travel Items

Travel is finally making its comeback! I wanted to take the time to share my suggestions on must have travel items for your next trip. I’ve compiled a checklist of travel essentials that can be utilized whether you’re traveling internationally, domestically, taking a cruise, or even for road trips. The best part? All of these items can be purchased in ONE spot on Amazon!

Disclosure: This blog post has affiliate links which means if you click and make a purchase I may earn a small commission at NO additional cost to you. These are my own personal suggestions based on products I love and use. The full disclosure can be found here.

Travel Checklist

1). Luggage

I cannot stress enough the importance of having durable, quality luggage. Heys Luggage is a brand that I love, and I currently use their matching check-on and carry-on bags. The best part about Heys Luggage is that it comes with a built in TSA lock so you no longer need to purchase those flimsy locks sold in stores. Heys tends to sell out quickly, so I’ll recommend more than one brand that you can also utilize here.

2). Luggage Tags

Ever had someone mix up your luggage with theirs? Or had trouble differentiating your luggage from other similar luggage pieces? Well you definitely want to purchase Ovener Luggage Tags. Aside from being able to easily identify your bags, you can fill out the information or place your business card inside the tags in case your luggage gets lost. Since purchasing, I can always identify my luggage with ease.

3) Water Bottle

While traveling it’s important you stay hydrated. I always carry my water bottle wherever I go as I drink plenty of water throughout the day. The great part about the Brita Water Bottle is that it has a filter which comes in handy when traveling overseas or in general.

4) Universal Travel Power Adapter

If you’re traveling internationally, this is an ESSENTIAL travel item. Depending on the country you’re traveling to, the outlet socket varies. The best part about the Unidapt Universal Travel Power Adapter is that it covers more than 160 countries and has four USB ports. When traveling to Paris, this device came in handy!

Travel Essentials

5) Cloth/Garment Steamer

The unfortunate part of packing is that your clothes can become wrinkled in the process, which is why it’s vital to have a Hilife Steamer for Clothes. It’s extremely easy to use, and takes up very little space in the suitcase. Always look your best with freshly steamed clothing!

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6) Noise Cancelling Earphones

With the unpredictability of travel, the last thing you want to have to endure is excessive or annoying noise. Active Noise Cancelling Earphones delivers and is very affordable.

Travel Necessities

7) Travel Pillow

Speaking of quiet, once you purchase the noise cancelling earphones you’ll want to nap on your trip. The Travel Pillow adheres to the neck and prevents soreness.

8) Travel Make-up Case

I’m a big fan of Kate Spade so it was a given that I was going to purchase the Kate Spade Travel Cosmetic Bag. It helps to keep my make-up organized and prevents it from staining other items within my luggage.

9) Travel Jewelry Organizer

While we’re on the topic of make-up, let’s talk about jewelry. If you’re like me, you like to accessorize your outfits to make them pop. A great way to prevent your jewelry from getting tangled or disorganized is the Bagsmart Jewelry Organizer Case. There are different compartments for each type of jewelry as well.

10) Anti-Bacterial Wipes

Even before our current climate; I’ve always carried anti-bacterial wipes when traveling to wipe down my seat, the screen, folding tray, and whatever other surface I would be touching. In your hotel room, there are multiple surfaces you should also wipe down (i.e.; remote, light switches etc.). I recommend Dettol wipes. If you cannot find Dettol, Lysol or Clorox are just as good.

Travel Favorites

11) Kindle

I love to catch up on reading whenever I’m traveling especially on long flights. That is why the Kindle is on my must have list. This Kindle is waterproof and has additional storage.

12) Travel Scarf

I’m one of those people who is always cold. This travel scarf by Waypoint Goods can help keep you warm and the best part? It has a hidden zip that you can hide your passport, or phone freeing up space in your bag!

13) First-Aid Kit

The healthcare worker in me wouldn’t be doing her job if I didn’t recommend purchasing a first-aid kit. I ALWAYS have a first-aid kit on hand whenever I travel. I love the portable Johnson & Johnson first-aid kit which contains a variety of items (i.e.; Bandages, Gauze).

14) Digital Camera

I know what you’re thinking; I can just take pictures with my cellphone. The thing is taking pictures with your phone uses both battery and storage. A digital camera can eliminate that, and in some instances provide a better quality photo. The Canon PowerShot is a compact camera that takes great photos and is also easy to carry around.

15) Portable Charger

Not a fan of cameras? Then a portable charger is a must. Whether you’re an iPhone or Android user (Team iPhone here), you’ll want to invest in the Anker PowerCore 5000 Portable Charger. This charger fits easily into your bag, and charges the phone fast.

Final Thoughts

Well, that concludes my list of 15 Must Have Travel Items. Feel free to pick and choose the items on the travel list that fit your needs. If you like blog posts like this, or found it helpful, please comment below. You can share by clicking the icons located at the beginning of the blog post. Inspired and need ideas on your next adventure? Check out my itinerary on London!

I’m on social media, so let’s be friends! Click the icons located on the right side (desktop), and the bottom of the screen (mobile) to find me. Email me here if you’d like to collaborate: Lenore@thenittygrittytravelot.com.

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